Dornier Do 26 C (V-5) (WNr. 0795 - code P5+EH)
(contributors : Claude Archambault, Frédéric Hénoff, Philippe Dufrasne, M. Piéto et M.Grimault/Association Gerfaut via Yannig)

A Dornier Do 26
Photo collection Ray Wagner - SDASM (San Diego Air and Space Museum)
Crew (1./Kü.Fl.Gr.406)
- (FF*) Leutnant der Reserve Otto EMMERICH
born on 10/09/1919 in Kosel
Block 1 Reihe 2 Grab 49. Ploudaniel-Lesneven.
- (B*) Oberleutnant zur See Helmut GROOS, born on 25/06/1915 in Koblenz.
Block 5 Reihe 9 Grab 236. Ploudaniel-Lesneven.
- (Bm*) Feldwebel der Reserve. Heinz HINGST, born on 04/04/1915 in Kosel.
Block 1 Reihe 2 Grab 50. Ploudaniel-Lesneven.
- (Bf*) Feldwebel der Reserve Erich GRUBER, born on 01/09/1905 in Adomlauken (East Prussia).
Block 1 Reihe 1 Grab 20. Ploudaniel-Lesneven.
- (Bf*) StFw. Christian GRAF, M.I.A. (?).
- (Bm*) Feldwebel der Reserve Heinz RAUTENBERG, born on 10/12/1910 in Berlin.
buried next to Erich GRUBER
* FF : Flugzeugführer (Pilot) - B = Beobachter (Observer) - Bf = Bordfunker (Radio operator) - Bm = Bordmechaniker (Engineer)

The graves of Erich GRUBER and Heinz RAUTENBERG in 1940. Perhaps the nearby graves are those of other crew members.
Photo collection Benoit Paquet (ABSA 39-45)
After the catapult launch from FRIESENLAND in Brest, the Dornier Do 26 P5+EH crashed due to engine failure. The crew was killed on impact with the water.

Death certificate of Otto EMMERICH (# G-A 068/0495).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv

Death certificates of Helmut GROOS (# G-A 455/0425 and G-A 993/1081).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv

Death certificate of Heinz HINGST (# G-B 064/0366).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv

Death certificate of Erich GRUBER (# G-A 995/009).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv

Death certificate of Christian GRAF (# G-A 983/0200).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv

Death certificates of Heinz RAUTENBERG (# G-A 747/0318 and G-A 747/0317).
Document's source Fold3 "Germany, Military Killed in Action 1939-1948" - origin Bundearchiv and Claude Archambault
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