1st September 1940

Heinkel He 111 H-3 (WNr. 5687- code 6N+OH)
"Grèves de Langueux"

(contributors : Jean-Michel Martin, Yannig Kerhousse)

He 111 brest 1940
The Heinkel He 111H-3 6N+OH fallen at the "Grèves de Langueux"
Photo collection Mrs et Mr Marchand

Crew unknown (1./KG 100)


The Heinkel He 111 WNr. 5687 code 6N+OH was part of a group of 15 Heinkel He 111 bombers from Kampfgruppe 100 which carried out a bombing mission over Liverpool on the night of 31 August to 1 September. On the way back, the plane ran out of fuel and made a forced landing near Saint-Brieuc, in the Grèves de Langueux. The crew was safe and the plane was 30% destroyed.

Luftkommando 3 report of September 1, 1940. (Air Command 3). Air Fleet Steward. Main Division Group 1C.
This report specifies the following information :

Aerial situation. Information of the success of the attack from August 31 to September 1, 1940 on Liverpool by the joining of personnel from the 4th and 5th Air Corps (FL Korps IV and V) and the aviators of Group 606 sent by the West Marine commando. Details of operations and bombing attacks on Liverpool and Birkenhead by 15 Heinkel 111s of Kampfgruppe 100 from 11:45 p.m. to 12:50 a.m.

Target ​​​​achieved. More or less significant fires and explosions were observed. This squadron was completed by 92 other Junker 88 bombers from Luftgruppe 1. 94.7 tons of bombs were dropped on the targets. Returning crews reported a few night fighters over the Bristol and Birmingham Channel. Anti-aircraft batteries on Bristol, Liverpool, Cardiff, Plymouth, Portland. Spotlight on Liverpool. A barrage of balloons on Newton.

- 1 Junker 88 of Luftgruppe 1 hit and her crew evacuated the plane 100 kilometers east of Paris.
- 1 Heinkel 111 of Kampfgruppe 100 based at Ploufragan Saint Brieuc airfield, out of fuel, made a forced landing near Saint Brieuc. Crew safe.

Types of bombs used by the 15 Heinkel 111s :
- 18 SC 250 (SC : Sprengbombe Cylindrisch). One SC 50 contains 55% explosive used for a demolition raid.

- 6 SC 250 LZZ 
15 Flam 250 : Flammenbombe or Flamm C. The incendiary bombs have the same dimensions as the SC 250 and 500. The C 250 Flamm receives 50kg of incendiary oil mixture and a small charge of TNT explosive.
- 24 SC 50 : Sprengbombe Cylindrisch or SC.

- 60 SD 50 : Splitterbombe or SD.

- 24 BSK.

German report on the loss of the aircraft (source daily bulletin Flughafenbereich 10/XII).
This report mentions :
He 111 H3
WNr 5687
Kennzeichen (code) : 6N+OH
Motorbaumuster (engine model) : Jumo 211 D
WNr rechter Motor 324 (right engine number) 
WNr linker Motor 323 (left engine number)
Ort der Bruchlandung (crash landing location
) : Plage de Cesson à Saint-Brieuc
Damage due to forced landing 
: 20%
Other damage due to seawater : approximately
 35 to 40% 
Removed from the crash site on 09/09/1940 and sent to Brussels-Evere to the Sabena workshops, Erla-Werk 6.


The Heinkel He 111H-3 6N+OH which fell at the "Grèves de Langueux" attracts many curious people

Photo collection Mrs and Mr Marchand

Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. MARCHAND for the authorization to publish the photos of the crash as well as for the translation of the German report.

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