Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 (WNr. 7671) "yellow 1"
Brélès, North-West Saint-Renan
(contributor : Barthélemy Pierre Barré)
Lt Julius MEIMBERG - Staffelkapitän 3./JG 2
Born January 11, 1917 in Munster, Westphalia. On April 15, 1942, he took command of 3./JG2.
On July 24, after claiming 3 bombers (2 Hampdens and 1 Wellington), he crashed, short of fuel, at Brélès and was seriously injured.

Julius Meimberg has just crashed near Brélès. A French farmer provides him with first aid under the watchful eye of the Germans
and protects him from the sun with an umbrella.
Photo source inconnue
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