Handley Page HAMPDEN Mk I (X3049 - code KM-W)
"La Chevallerie" - Châteaubriant (44)
(contributors : Pierre Babin, Sylvain de Fleurieu, Jean-Louis Roba, Francecrashes39-45.net)

Handley Page Hampden Mk I
© IWM (COL 182) - public domain
Crew : No 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron, RAF.
- Squadron Leader Nicolas Henry Joseph TINDAL (pilot, RAF)
Service number 52125, born on 7 March, 1911. P.O.W. # 637 - Stalag L1/Luft III. Died in 2006.
Son of Commander Ralph and Kathleen (Mangan) Tindal.

Nicolas Tindal
photo famille Tindal (Francis Hoar)
Autorisation d'utilisation par la famille
Source Wikipedia
- Sergeant Eric MARTIN (observer, RAF Volunteer Reserve).
Service number 742616. P.O.W. # 475 - Stalag Luft I/Luft VI/357.
- Sergeant James McEWAN (machine gunner, RAF Volunteer Reserve).
Service number 751230. P.O.W. # 443 - Stalag Luft I/Luft VI/357.
- Sergeant Peter Reginald TEBBUTT (wireless operator - machine gunner, RAF Volunteer Reserve).
Service number 640070. P.O.W. # 449 - Stalag Luft I/8B/Luft III/Luft VI/L4
On the night of December 10-11, 1940, RAF Bomber Command sent 62 aircrafts to bomb various targets (only 6 reached their primary target) and 5 Handley Page Hampdens to display mines into the Gironde River. Two Hampdens and one Blenheim did not return, four crew members were killed and seven captured.
One of these aircrafts made a forced landing that evening at la Chevallerie, a few kilometers north of Châteaubriant, around 9:50 a.m. (French-German time - 8:50 a.m. in England). It was then set on fire by its occupants before they were captured. The aircraft, a Hampden Mk I (X3049) was conducting a "Gardening" type mission (mines dropping) in the Gironde estuary. It was hit by the Flak, which caused a tank perforation. He left from RAF base Waddington, Lincolnshire, England. Sergeant Tebbutt, from the ground and before being captured, sent a final message at 9:01 a.m. saying "O.K. Down in France" and reportedly concluded with "Merry Christmas".

Hampden X3049 after being set on fire by its crew (captured) is inspected by the Germans.
Photo collection Jean-Louis Roba

From another angle, the still smoking remains of Hampden X3049.
Photo collection Jean-Louis Roba

The wreck of the nose of the Hampden X3049.
Photo collection Jean-Louis Roba

The engine and right wing of Hampden X3049 eaten away by the aircraft's fire started by its crew before its capture.
Photo collection Jean-Louis Roba
♦ Operational Record Book of Squadron 44 dated 11/12 December, 1940. The text summarizes the mission :
Tâche : "Gardening" (largage de mines)"
Trois avions reçurent l'ordre de "planter des légumes" (larguer des mines) dans la zone DEODAR (nom de code pour le secteur de Bordeaux dans les codes des opérations de type "Gardening"). Deux avions menèrent leur mission avec succès et revinrent à la base sains et sauf. Le troisième envoya un signal à 9h01 "Ok on descend en France", et ne donna pas d'autres détails. Il est supposé que "les légumes ont été plantés".
Duty: “Gardening” (mines dropping)
Three aircrafts were ordered to "plant vegetables" (drop mines) in the DEODAR area (code name for the Bordeaux sector in the codes for "Gardening" type operations). Two aircrafts successfully carried out their mission and returned safely to base. The third sent a signal at 9:01 hours "Ok Down in France", but gave no further details. It is assumed that the vegetable was planted
(documents source : The National Archives)

♦ The London Gazette dated 2 December, 1938 :
This document informs us of the promotion of Flight Lieutenant Tindal to the rank of Squadron Leader.
(document source : The London Gazette)

♦ The Air Force List, April 1939 :
This document informs us also of the promotion of Flight Lieutenant Tindal to the rank of Squadron Leader on December 1st, 1938.
(source document : Internet Archive.org - Document digitalisé par la National Library of Scotland)

♦ The London Gazette date 5 March, 1946 :
This document informs us of the promotion of Squadron Leader Tindal to the rank of Wing Commander.
(document source : The London Gazette)

Source of informations :
- Archives Départementales de Loire Atlantique.
- Aviation Safety Network (Flight Safety Foundation)
- The London Gazette
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