Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8 "green 3" (WNr 172674)
North-East of Le Mans
(contributors : Jean-Louis Roba, Philippe Dufrasne)
Feldwebel Robert HAGER (service number 60316/35) - 1./JG 26, missing in action.
Born on December 16, 1920 in Köln (North Rhine-Westphalia) in the Kalk district.
He was the son of Karl Hager, living at 17 Wiersbergstrasse in Köln, in the Kalk district.
Robert HAGER claimed 3 air kills :
- April 4, 1943 : a Spitfire around 2:37 pm in the area of Rouen (France) (HAGER was at 8./JG26).
- December 1943 : a B-17 around 11:27 am in the area of Philippeville (Belgium)
- March 24, 1944 : the B-17 s/n 42-31544 (305th BG/366th BS) around 12:15 pm in the area of Ghent (Belgium)
A 4th air kill was not confirmed on October 20, 1943 : a Spitfire around 9:45 a.m. in the area of Diksmuide (Belgium) (HAGER was at 4./JG26)

Robert Hager in front of a Focke-Wulf FW 190.
Photo taken in Florennes (Belgium) when the unit was there between November 11, 1943 and April 6, 1944
Photo collection Jean-Louis Roba
August 13, 1944, loss of Feldwebel Robert HAGER, North-East of Le Mans aboard his Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-8
The circumstances of Robert HAGER's loss are poorly known. The document below, a list of losses ("Verlust-Listen Nummer" or VLN), provides some information :
- " Feindbeob. Einsatz West " :
HAGER was probably carrying out an observation mission of the Western Front (advance of the Allied forces).
- " H. startete im Gruppenverband zur Bekämpfung von Erdzielen. Hierbei entwikelten sich Luftkämpfe mit Mustangs, in deren Verlauf H. abgeschlossen wurde." :
Hager was in a ground target attack group. He was then engaged in dogfights with P-51 Mustangs, during which he was killed.
- " Die Benachrichtigung der Angeh. ergfolgt gem.L.V.B1.34/43, Ziff.1405. Der Nachlaß wird den 14 Tagen übers. " : in a few words, it is specified that the family will be informed according to a coded protocol and that the belongings of the missing pilot will be returned within 14 days.
Document collection Jean-Louis Roba
The document at the bottom of the page ("Ehrenbuch" or "Booklet of Honor"), dated August 23, 1944, gives us some information about Robert HAGER.
• Robert Hager attended primary and secondary school and obtained the School Leaving Certificate. He was then unemployed.
• he was enlisted on November 15, 1939 in the 3./Flieger-Ausbildung-Regiment 72, a Luftwaffe personnel training regiment based in Detmold, North Rhine-Westphalia, where he completed his basic training from the April 16, 1940 to March 18, 1941.
• he then completed his pilot training with Flieger-Ausbildung-Regiment 32 in Pardubitz, Böhmen (Pardubice in Bohemia, Czechia) from March 19, 1941 to September 15, 1942 (end date to be confirmed).
• he continued with his fighter pilot training at the "Jagdgruppe Drontheim", in Trondheim in Norway, from November 1 to December 20, 1942, as an aspiring non-commissioned officer ("Unteroffizieranwärter Lehrgang) for JG 26.
• he was sent to the unit on July 17, 1944.
• his general assessment was as follows : mentally very active and agile. Physically strong, slim, agile, of average height. Frank, honest and open character. Calm and reserved. Very popular in peer groups. Good military performance. Correct and safe attitude on the front. Good performance as a fighter pilot. Possesses bravery, commitment and determination. Demonstrated an aggressive spirit, courage and can lead people.
• his ranks were successively :
- Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) on November 1, 1940
- Obergefreiter (Corporal) on December 1, 1941
- Unteroffizier (Sergeant) on December 1, 1942
- Feldwebel (Warrant Officer) on January 1, 1944.
• Robert HAGER was awarded various decorations and badges :
- "Frontflugspange für Jäger in Bronze" (photo) (literally bronze "Front Flying Clasp" for fighter) on September 4, 1942.

Photo Olegvdv68 via Wikipedia (public domain)
- "Verwundetenabzeichnen in Schwarz" (photo) ("Wound badge in black") on April 20, 1943.

Photo Wikipedia (public domain)
- "Eisernes Kreuz" 2. Klasse ("Iron Cross" 2nd Class) on April 26, 1943

- "Eisernes Kreuz" 1. Klasse ("Iron Cross" 1st Class) on February 1, 1944
- "Frontflugspange für Jäger in Silber" (Silver "Front Flying Clasp" for fighter)) on February 20, 1944.
• Robert HAGER performed 75 war flights and obtained 3 air kills. On August 13, 1944, Feldwebel Hager departed as part of a group of fighters to combat ground targets on the invasion front. There followed air combat with Mustangs, during which Hager was shot down. On August 23, 1944, not knowing the whereabouts of the Feldwebel Hager and its aircraft, it was assumed that the Feldwebel Hager experienced "a heroic death" during these aerial dogfights.

Document collection Jean-Louis Roba
• Les archives de la JG 26 révèlent également que Robert HAGER se crasha à deux reprises avant de disparaître :
- le 20 jenvier 1943, alors qu'il était encore Unteroffizier, et qu'il faisait partie de la 8./JG 26, il capota à l'atterissage à l'aérodrome de Calais-Marck alors qu'il pilotait le Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-4 "4 noir" W.Nr. 147102. L'avion fut détruit à 30%.
- le 4 avril 1943, toujours au sein de la 8./JG 26, il s'écrasa au sud-est de Rouen après un combat avec un B-17. Il pilotait le Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-4 "11 noir" W.Nr. 142391. L'avion fut détruit à 100%.C'est ce jour là qu'il obtint sa 1ère victoire sur un Spitfire.
• The archives of JG 26 also reveal that Robert HAGER crashed twice before disappearing :
- on January 20, 1943, while he was still an Unteroffizier, and while he was part of the 8./JG 26, he missed his landing at the Calais-Marck airfield while flying the Focke- Wulf FW 190 A-4 "black 4" W.Nr. 147102. The aircaft was destroyed ar 30%.
- on April 4, 1943, again in the 8./JG 26, he crashed southeast of Rouen after a fight with a B-17. He flew the Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-4 "black 11" W.Nr. 142391. The aircaft was 100% destroyed. It was on this day that he obtained his first air kill over a Spitfire.
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