Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8 "blue 10" (W.Nr. 680844)
(contributors : Jean-Louis Roba, Philippe Dufrasne)
Unteroffizier Erich BÜRMEISTER (service number 68420/458) - 4./JG 26, killed (or injured ?).
He was the son of Max Bürmeister, living in Schweidnitz (at that time in Prussia, today Świdnica in Lower Silesia, Poland).
August 13, 1944, loss of Unteroffizier E. BÜRMEISTER aboard his Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-8
The circumstances of Uffz. BÜRMEISTER's loss are not known. The document below, a list of losses ("Verlust-Listen Nummer" or VLN), provides just a few information :
- " Feindbeob. Einsatz West " :
BÜRMEISTER was probably carrying out an observation and attack mission of the Western Front (advance of the Allied forces).
- " Nach Feindfl. vermißt" : certainly killed after a dogfight with ennemy aircraft.
- " Die Benachrichtigung der Angeh. ergfolgt gem.L.V.B1.34/43, Ziff.1405. Der Nachlaß wird den 14 Tagen übers. " : in a few words, it is specified that the family will be informed according to a coded protocol and that the belongings of the missing pilot will be returned within 14 days.
Document collection Jean-Louis Roba
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