20 August, 1940

Heinkel He 111 H-2 (WNr. ?- code 6N+DL)
Talmont-Saint-Hilaire - "Le Porteau" (farm Saint-Martin)

(contributors : Pierre Corny, Philippe Dufrasne)

Bundesarchiv bild 101i 647 5211 33 flugzeug heinkel he 111
A Heinkel He 111H
Photo Bundesarchiv - Bild_101I-647-5211-33 - Fotograf Wilzek

Crew partially known (3./KGr. 100)
 - (BO*) Leutnant Alfred KUNZ, wounded.

* FF : Flugzeugführer (Pilote) - BO ou B = Beobachter (Observateur) - BF = Bordfunker (Radio) - BM = Bordmechaniker (Mécanicien) - BS = Bordschütze (mitrailleur)


On August 19, 1940, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) launched a night bombing operation on the Rolls-Royce factories located in Derby, England. When returning from the mission, the fog fell and several aircrafts could not find their airfield. Three landed in the country, including one, short of fuel, in the town of Saint Hilaire de Talmont, at a place called “La ferme du Porteau”. It was a Heinkel He 111 H2 type bomber, with a crew of five men, which made a forced but controlled landing in a field located 200m from the coast, at around 6:30 a.m. on August 20. The observer, Leutnant Alfred Kunz, was wounded and the aircraft, reduced to wreckage, was recovered by the German army. The residents had time to have photos taken in front of the wreck and they probably took some souvenirs.

He 111 tombe au porteau le 19 aout 1940
The wreck of the Heinkel He 111 that fell at "Le Porteau" (with the "6N+DL" visible on the fuselage) attracts the local population.
Photo collection Pierre Corny

The code of the aircraft was 6N+DL. The “D” painted in orange colour on the fuselage and also applied to the fin, is still clearly visible in the photos. The Sables d’Olonne-Talmont airfield was nearby, but too short for the aircraft ; it could have provided an alternative. But the pilot had to be aware of it, and be able to reach it.

He 111 gefallen am 19 august 1940 in le porteau vendee frankreich
The inhabitants of "Le Porteau" have their photo taken on the wreck of the Heinkel He 111 “6N+DL”. The “D” painted in orange colour is very visible.

Photo collection Pierre Corny

Thanks to Mr. Pierre Corny for the information and photos relating to this crash.



This document from the German archives (Bundes Archiv BA-MA RL2-1174) indicates that a Heinkel He 111 H2, leaving on August 19, 1940, from KG 100, made an emergency landing out of fuel near Les Sables. No indication of the crew (as they survived) or the serial number of the aircraft.

Rl 2 iii 1174 0020


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